Major Construction Payment & Information

Contract Details

State of California  
Major Construction Payment & Information System  

Contract: 060L0504
WABO Landscape & Construction, Inc

Date last updated: 02/06/25
  • Job Description: 
  • Contract Accepted: 03/15/17
  • Stop Notice filing deadline: 06/13/17
  • Expiration of Suit-filing period: 09/11/17
  • Estimated Completion:  100%
  • Current Withhold Obligations: ....  $0.00
  • Curently Held:  ................................ $0.00
  • Need to Hold:  ................................  $0.00
  • Surety:
                Federal Insurance Company
                2603 Camino Ramon #300 San Ramon, CA 94583
  • Bond Number: 8229-49-12.


Detail estimate information is available for those issued after February 1,1999 while voucher payment data is available for those issued after July 1, 2000.  For detail estimate and voucher inquiries prior to the above dates please contact the Resident Engineer or the District Construction office.

The Held and Disbursed columns may include monies withheld or released for stop notices, legal, liens, levies, labor compliance and accounts receivable claims.

Payment History
Est. Engineering Contract Data Type Pmt Type Released Held Disbursed
1 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 10/03/12 0.00 199,801.74
2 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 11/05/12 0.00 410,011.76
3 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 12/10/12 0.00 148,023.07
4 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 01/08/13 0.00 140,085.67
5 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 02/06/13 0.00 17,076.64
6 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 04/08/13 0.00 67,018.58
7 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 05/06/13 0.00 78,308.85
8 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 06/07/13 0.00 25,255.96
9 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 06/27/13 0.00 8,382.11
10 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 08/01/13 0.00 2,274.96
11 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 09/04/13 0.00 4,994.96
12 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 10/01/13 0.00 2,713.28
13 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 10/31/13 0.00 860.00
14 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 12/05/13 0.00 3,201.60
15 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 01/03/14 0.00 46,635.38
16 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 02/03/14 0.00 2,556.64
17 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 03/06/14 0.00 11,069.22
18 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 04/04/14 0.00 21,939.00
19 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 05/01/14 0.00 6,895.65
20 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 06/05/14 0.00 8,267.83
21 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 06/30/14 0.00 60.00
22 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 08/01/14 0.00 22,088.42
23 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 09/04/14 0.00 13,409.39
24 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 10/02/14 0.00 7,067.71
25 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 11/03/14 0.00 2,112.25
26 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 12/04/14 0.00 2,060.00
27 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 01/05/15 0.00 4,200.00
28 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 03/05/15 0.00 12,500.00
29 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 04/03/15 0.00 2,200.00
30 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 05/04/15 0.00 30,830.00
31 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 06/04/15 0.00 4,200.00
32 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 06/30/15 0.00 3,200.00
33 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 08/03/15 0.00 12,500.00
34 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 09/03/15 0.00 4,200.00
35 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 09/30/15 0.00 4,200.00
36 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 11/03/15 0.00 8,100.00
37 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 12/03/15 0.00 5,200.00
38 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 01/04/16 0.00 4,200.00
39 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 02/03/16 0.00 2,800.00
40 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 03/03/16 0.00 4,200.00
41 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 04/01/16 0.00 4,200.00
42 Detail  Voucher  P/P  EFT 05/13/16 0.00 4,200.00
43 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 06/07/16 0.00 2,800.00
44 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 07/05/16 0.00 4,200.00
45 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 08/05/16 0.00 4,200.00
46 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 09/06/16 0.00 4,200.00
47 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 10/04/16 0.00 4,200.00
48 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 11/07/16 0.00 4,200.00
49 Detail  Voucher  P/P  Warrant 12/08/16 0.00 2,800.00
50 Detail  Voucher  A/A  Neg Est 04/11/17 0.00 -17,117.88
51 Detail  Voucher  S/F  A/R Coll 05/02/17 0.00 17,117.88
51 Detail  Voucher  S/F  Warrant 05/02/17 0.00 47,207.12
52 Detail  Voucher  FIN  Warrant 06/13/17 0.00 0.00
Total: $0.00 $1,436,907.79
Please direct Payment Inquiries to:
 Phone: (279) 234-2973

Type Key
P/P  = Progress Payment
A/A = After Acceptance Payment
S/F  = Semi Final Payment
FIN  = Final Payment
Payment Type
Warrant = Check disbursement
EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer disbursement
SN # = Release Stop Notice Hold
LC # = Release Labor Compliance Hold
Legal # = Release Legal Hold
Dep # = Deposit previous disbursements
Hold = Held for future disbursement
Neg Est = Negative Estimate
A/R Coll = Accounts Receivable Collection

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